On Sun, 18 Mar 2012 20:03:09 +0100
"Anders E. Andersen" <ande...@ellenshoej.dk> wrote:

Hello Anders,

> motherboard. I installed debian with the kde-plasma-desktop package.
> I get no sound.

The default volume in KDE is 0%, try turning it up, if you've not done
so already.

> When I log in there is a message (in danish, translated) HDA Intel PCH 
> (ALC892 Analog) doesn't work. Falling back to default. I have tried 

This error is non fatal.  IOW, sound should still work.  To avoid the
warning, load "System Settings", go to 'Multimedia' -> 'phonon' and
reorder cards until you get the right one on top.  Easiest is probably
to have "default" up there.

Finally, click on the speaker icon in the System Tray and select mixer.
From there you can increase anything at zero volume or unmute things
until sound levels for each input are as desired.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
Bet you thought you had it all worked out
Problem - Sex Pistols

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