On 23/10/11 10:49, Harry Putnam wrote:
> Scott Ferguson <prettyfly.producti...@gmail.com> writes:
> First, I've snipped the bulk of your input.  It hit the mark and
> very helpful, thank you.
> For some reason VB is under Utilities for me, rather than System.

I *only* have the K Desktop Environment installed - you have many
Desktop Environments installed [*1], so in your case the KDE menu
"inherited" the application "categories" of an/other Desktop
Environments (probably GNOME).

> Other than that, I found everything I asked for.
> I've left your first comments below because it raised another
> related point I wanted to get at.
> [...]
>>> A detailed example:
>>> An icon for Virtual Box appears in my `Favorites'
>> It will also appear elsewhere (launcher => System => VirtualBox) 
>> Favourites is just a shortcut to the launcher entry.
> A word of explanation:  I put VB under favorites my self.  Here is 
> why.  First it looked like a long job to find it by hand;

[*1] Choice is a good thing, as you have so many choices - it must be a
*very* good thing. Right?  ;-p

> so I used the search box to find it... I still could not determine
> where it was in the menus.  

It's some times convenient to add "favourites" to either the panel or
the "desktop" - in which case you can "hide" it in the menu - that will
reduce the number of menu entries to trawl through.

> Seems like something I should be able to
> see from the `search' output  (the path to the icon in the menus)

A reasonable "wish" - probably just need to tweak the search plugin.

> But since I couldn't and I didn't want to use search every time... I
> drug it to `favorites' since that is the first thing that opens.

If desktop widgets are unlocked - you also have the option of adding
VirtualBox (or any application) to the panel or the desktop.
Additionally, if you frequently use a particular VirtualBox session you
can edit the link to point directly at the given session. eg. Unlock

> I say all that to point up the fact that (In my opinion) the path 
> information would often be nearly as useful as finding the item.  It 
> seems a serious shortcoming to the menu `search' dialog, that it
> does not provide the path (inside the menus) for the items it finds.

Many users only have the KDE installed - so the menu has few entries. I
usually disable the search and command window for general users. Only
Applications show on the menu (even logout/shutdown is removed). It's
fairly simple to "hide" menu entries - using either the "hide" option in
kmenuedit, or when not available, put a . into the start of the menu
entry name. As a general rule I like to remove any package that isn't
needed - makes it easier to document, maintain and secure. And in most
case the KDE default applications are sufficient (don't need 7 web

I suspect your wish would be best as a capability (search plugin) rather
than a default. One of the beauties of KDE4 is that the basic interface
can be kept very simple without sacrificing the ability to drill down
for extended choices.
> PS - what does %F  mean at the end of a command path, such as the
> one for emacs23: /usr/bin/emacs23 %F.
You mean the exec line in the desktop file.
= A list of files (eg. file0, file1, file2)

The VirtualBox desktop file uses %U (in the exec line) which is a list
of URLs.


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