I'll try to summarize quickly:

kde-full was installed on a newishly installed wheezy OS.

When I rebooted I got a KDM login and was then dropped into an X
session with only a terminal emulator and black backdrop.  No
icons, panels or etc.  Further no menus produced by clicking any mouse

I could run other apps but then they would be plastered up into the
top right corner covering the terminal ... and both would have the
title bar just out of reach beyond the top screen boundary so they
could not be moved around.

At that point I uninstalled kde-full.  Rebooted into console and
reinstalled kde-full

That is where I am at now and once again a reboot ends in the same
sorry mess as before, and described above.

I see many broken packages when running `aptitude search ^kde|grep ^i'

I will in line that information at the end.

Some other info for prospective posters:

  cat /etc/issue
  Debian GNU/Linux wheezy/sid \n \l

  grep '^[^#]' /etc/apt/sources.list

  deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ wheezy main
  deb-src http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ wheezy main
  deb http://security.debian.org/ wheezy/updates main
  deb-src http://security.debian.org/ wheezy/updates main

aptitude search ^kde|grep ^iB
( a grep of just installed)
iBA kde-plasma-desktop              - KDE Plasma Desktop and minimal set of appl
iBA kde-plasma-netbook              - KDE Plasma Netbook and minimal set of appl
iBA kde-window-manager              - K window manager (KWin)                   
iBA kdebase-bin                     - core binaries for the KDE base application
iBA kdebase-workspace-bin           - core binaries for the KDE Plasma Workspace
iBA kdemultimedia-kio-plugins       - transparent audio CD access for applicatio
iBA kdepasswd                       - graphical password changing utility       
iBA kdepim-runtime                  - Runtime components for akonadi-kde        
iBA kdepim-wizards                  - KDE server configuration wizards          
iBA kdesdk-kio-plugins              - transparent Subversion access and Perl doc
iBA kdesdk-misc                     - miscellaneous tools from the KDE Software 

-------        ---------       ---=---       ---------      --------
-------        ---------       ---=---       ---------      --------

aptitude search ^kde |grep ^i

i A kde-config-cddb                 - CDDB retrieval configuration              
i A kde-config-cron                 - program scheduler frontend                
i   kde-full                        - complete KDE Software Compilation for end 
i A kde-icons-mono                  - monochromatic icons theme                 
iBA kde-plasma-desktop              - KDE Plasma Desktop and minimal set of appl
iBA kde-plasma-netbook              - KDE Plasma Netbook and minimal set of appl
i A kde-standard                    - KDE Plasma Desktop and standard set of app
iBA kde-window-manager              - K window manager (KWin)                   
i A kdeaccessibility                - accessibility packages from the official K
i A kdeadmin                        - system administration tools from the offic
i A kdeartwork                      - themes, styles and other artwork from the 
i A kdeartwork-emoticons            - emoticon collections for chat clients     
i A kdeartwork-style                - widget styles for applications using Qt or
i A kdeartwork-theme-window         - window decoration for the K Window manager
i A kdebase-apps                    - base applications from the official KDE re
iBA kdebase-bin                     - core binaries for the KDE base application
i A kdebase-data                    - shared data files for the KDE base applica
id  kdebase-runtime                 - runtime components from the official KDE r
id  kdebase-runtime-data            - shared data files for the KDE base runtime
i A kdebase-workspace               - KDE Plasma Workspace components           
iBA kdebase-workspace-bin           - core binaries for the KDE Plasma Workspace
i A kdebase-workspace-data          - shared data files for the KDE Plasma Works
i   kdebase-workspace-kgreet-plugin - KDE greet libraries for authentication    
i A kdeedu                          - educational applications from the official
i A kdeedu-kvtml-data               - kvtml files for kdeedu programs           
i A kdegames                        - games from the official KDE release       
i A kdegames-card-data              - card decks for KDE games                  
i A kdegames-mahjongg-data          - tilesets and backgrounds for Mahjongg game
i A kdegraphics                     - graphics applications from the official KD
i A kdegraphics-libs-data           - data files for libraries from the kdegraph
i A kdegraphics-strigi-plugins      - graphics file format plugins for Strigi De
i A kdelibs-bin                     - core executables for KDE Applications     
i A kdelibs5-data                   - core shared data for all KDE Applications 
i A kdelibs5-plugins                - core plugins for KDE Applications         
i A kdemultimedia                   - multimedia applications from the official 
iBA kdemultimedia-kio-plugins       - transparent audio CD access for applicatio
i A kdenetwork                      - networking applications from the official 
i A kdenetwork-filesharing          - network filesharing configuration module  
iBA kdepasswd                       - graphical password changing utility       
i A kdepim                          - Personal Information Management apps from 
i A kdepim-groupware                - KDE PIM Groupware plugins                 
i A kdepim-kresources               - KDE PIM resource plugins                  
iBA kdepim-runtime                  - Runtime components for akonadi-kde        
i A kdepim-strigi-plugins           - PIM file format plugins for Strigi Desktop
iBA kdepim-wizards                  - KDE server configuration wizards          
i A kdepimlibs-kio-plugins          - kio slaves used by KDE PIM applications   
i A kdeplasma-addons                - addons for Plasma                         
i A kdesdk                          - Software Development Kit from the official
i A kdesdk-dolphin-plugins          - dolphin VCS plugins                       
iBA kdesdk-kio-plugins              - transparent Subversion access and Perl doc
iBA kdesdk-misc                     - miscellaneous tools from the KDE Software 
i A kdesdk-scripts                  - scripts and data files for development    
i A kdesdk-strigi-plugins           - software development file format plugins f
i A kdetoys                         - desktop toys from the official KDE 4 relea
i A kdeutils                        - general-purpose utilities from the officia
i A kdewallpapers                   - wallpapers released with KDE Plasma Worksp
i A kdewebdev                       - web development apps from the official KDE

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