On Friday 10 June 2011 18:52:29 Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> Am Freitag, 10. Juni 2011 schrieb Andrej Kacian:
> > Hello all,
> Hi Andrej,
> > I have recently upgraded to KDE 4.6 on wheezy, and I'm pleasantly
> > surprised at how much faster and less buggy the environment is.
> >
> > However, among few bugs which annoy me is that after I set up my panels
> > the way I want them, KDE keeps changing their position and settings
> > after I log out and log back in.
> >
> > State after login just now: http://bayimg.com/DaiPIAadi
> >
> > The way it was before: http://bayimg.com/DAiPjAAdI
> > (the bottom bar is aligned to the left, wide only for the three icons
> > and set to autohide, so it's not visible)
> I have then the main panel in the middle of the screens once, too. But
> usually KDE 4.6.3 seems to remember stuff quite good. Except that when I
> play a game in full screen mode the active window on each activity gets
> maximized.
> Especially Plasma applets tend to remember where I put them now.
> > Is there anything I can do to make this stop (apart from filing a bug)
> > ?
> I think, filing the bug on http://bugs.kde.org (not a debian bug or not
> primarily at least) is the only way to possibly get something done about
> it.
> Ciao,
I get this bug too, and since kde won't logout for some reason (clicking
logout does nothing), it appears the panel position doesn't get saved properly
when I move it back where it should be.