On Dom 05 Jun 2011 18:44:59 Vladimir Kerka escribió:
> Hi,
> I really need help with two problems:

Next time, write two mails :-)

> 2. major problem: I use KDE 4.6.X from Sid, but the session crashes
> immediately after start (this is the reason, I sent the copy to
> debian-kde). I tried to rename .kde in the home, no luck. More than that,
> when I try to play KDE origin game (e.g. KBreakOut), when it comes to the
> end, it crashes

First of all, these can be two different bugs. Seems that you are not familiar 
with reporting bugs, as you are not given us crash logs. Please take no 
offense, but you should not be using Sid.

That being said, how did you installed kde? I mean, wich package did you use 
to install it?

Kinds regards, Lisandro.

¿Qué vamos a hacer esta noche Cerebro?
-Lo mismo que todas las noches Pinky...
¡¡¡tratar de conquistar el mundo!!!
  Pinky y Cerebro. Narf.

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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