On Tuesday 11 May 2010 21.10:18 Dotan Cohen wrote:
> On 11 May 2010 09:15, Adrian von Bidder <avbid...@fortytwo.ch> wrote:
> > On Monday 10 May 2010 16.08:40 Dotan Cohen wrote:
> >> Please tell us what problems, bugs, or issues KDE 4 that make it
> >> difficult to use.
> > 
> > Nepomuk / Strigi need to improve a *lot*.
> > 
> > * Strigi sucks up all disk bandwidth and, given enough time, all memory
> > to the point where the oom kill kills my session.
> > * Strigi index uses all my disk.  Removing folders that were indexed
> > (either removing these files, or removing them from the strigi
> > configuration so they're not indexed anymore) didn't seem to have any
> > effect on index size.

I'll retry, but I think I was already on early 4.4 packages already.  Not 
sure though.

> > * Likewise when I completely disable file
> > indexing: the database doesn't shrink / isn't removed.

This one certainly is not fixed in 4.4.  On a big database inherited from 
earlier strigi, enabling strigi and then disabling strigi and nepomuk 
alltogether, the database is still there.  (To be precise: the database 
*was* still there.  rm -rf is your friend.)

-- vbi

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