On 11 May 2010 22:41, Martin Steigerwald <mar...@lichtvoll.de> wrote:
> I ccd you since you ccd me. Please do not cc me in the future. I read the
> list and that new thread grouping features of KMail are really handy ;).

Oops, sorry, I'll try to pay attention to that more in the future. I apologize.

>> > IMHO when a config setting is not handled properly on upgrade of KDE
>> > its a bug.
>> Agreed, but it's not one that is likely to be fixed. There seems to be
>> no backwards-compatibility in KDE anymore. It's a problem, I know.
> Well I got no reply to my detailed bug report yet.

Can you post a link? I'd like to comment on that!

>> > Only one I triaged and filed: The separator "58" for colon for web
>> > shortcuts in kuriikwsrc or something like that it was is not
>> > recognized by KRunner, only by Konqueror. ":" instead works with
>> > both. Unfortunately Konqueror saved it as "58" not as ":".
>> It _should_ be escaped.
> It doesn't work in krunner when it is. See here:
> [Bug 218272] New: webshortcuts broken after upgrading KDE 3 to 4 due to
> decimal in keyword delimiter which krunner doesnt support
> https://bugs.kde.org/218272

I see two reasons why that bug was ignored:
1) It's an upgrade issue, and apparently the dev who works on Krunner
(yes, I know who that is) does not consider upgrades a common use
case. KDE 3 never existed?!? This attitude is seen throughout Plasma,
even in minor-version upgrades.
2) It's wordy. Don't mention Linux-Magazine or other irrelevant
things. Just the bug, as concise as possible. Wordy bugs are almost
always ignored. I'm not blaming you, just giving you a hint as to how
to get the devs' attention.

Dotan Cohen


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