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this may not strictly be about (just) KDE, but I'm experiencing really 
excessive swapping activity on my laptop since a little while back. The most 
recent major change is the upgrade to KDE 4.4.3. I had all the previous KDE 
4 versions in Debian, and my feeling is that I had less problems earlier, 
but it's hard to tell.

Anyway, the system is a Thinkpad T61 with 4 GB of RAM, kernel, 
Intel graphics, X.org and KDE from sid.

Obviously KDE is not by itself eating all that RAM. The main memory hog is 
Eclipse which I use for development, and with the right plugins installed it 
really does require lots of memory. Still, I think I should be allowed to 
use one big application like this without killing performance. (Or maybe 4 
GB is just not enough for a development machine these days?)

The system will often grind to a halt for several minutes while iotop shows 
that it is busy swapping, usually swapping in the Eclipse process. The most 
annoying thing is that KDE becomes totally unresponsive during all this 
time, I cannot even move the mouse pointer.

I realise this is a complex problem, but maybe someone has hints on how to 
improve the situation. Could it be a problem with hard drive performance? Or 
did KDE recently start hogging more RAM? Any ideas where to look? This is 
getting in the way of productivity, so something has to be done.

Here is "top" output for the biggest memory sinks:

14779 marcus    20   0 2445m 1.3g 5808 S    1 34.5  15:33.26 java
14017 root      20   0 1363m 164m 9668 S   11  4.2   1554:02 Xorg
14203 marcus    20   0  728m 141m 6344 S    4  3.7 542:25.08 kwin
29998 marcus    20   0  789m 102m  11m S    0  2.7   3:23.73 icedove-bin
18782 marcus    20   0  459m  99m 4572 S    0  2.6  13:44.35 emacs
14210 marcus    20   0  978m  97m  10m S    0  2.5 129:12.74 plasma-desktop
17609 marcus    20   0  531m  44m  11m S    0  1.2  13:30.99 chrome
26921 marcus    20   0  203m  38m  784 S    0  1.0  36:15.53 skype
32352 marcus    20   0  616m  31m 6924 D    3  0.8   4:47.04 akregator
14281 marcus    20   0  360m  27m 5920 S    2  0.7  16:34.45 konsole
14328 marcus    20   0  722m  27m 7404 S    0  0.7  10:24.57 kopete
31194 marcus    20   0 1249m  22m 6076 S    0  0.6  20:52.24 amarok
18826 marcus    20   0  458m  18m 3216 S    1  0.5  26:26.25 chrome
18798 marcus    20   0  795m  17m 4448 S    0  0.5   1:33.26 chrome
10175 marcus    20   0  931m  15m 3268 S    0  0.4   1:12.29 krunner
14146 marcus    20   0  510m  15m 3960 S    0  0.4   7:45.33 kded4
20516 marcus    20   0  534m  15m 2540 S    0  0.4   0:33.32 knode

Well, this really points to Eclipse (the "java" process), but still 1.3 GB 
is not even half of available RAM.


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