Early this week, I upgraded from kde 4.3.4 to kde 4.4.3 in unstable.  I 
noticed that some configuration options seem to have been lost during the 
upgrade, although I'm not aware of why, or if the two options I noticed are 
all of them.

It seems that the options that got lost were the "focus follows mouse" and 
autoraise settings for kwin, and also the settings where I use the win(meta) 
key to move and resize windows, were all set back to defaults.  In my "yawp" 
plasmoid, my location stayed the same, but my units went back to metric, 
instead of the english units that I had previously set.

I was curious if anybody else has experienced anything similar, and if there 
was an article or email posting or something describing this.

Joseph Rawson

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