Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. spoke :
> Please take a moment and try these simple steps:
>  1. Start konsole
>  2. Start konqueror
>  3. Navigate to anywhere.
>  4. Double-click the address bar to select all the text there.
>  5. Click on the konsole window.
>  6. Click on the konqueror window.
> WTF! The address fscking disappeared!

It doesn't happen here, I am on Squeeze with plain Squeeze kde4, I can
middle click the Konsole window to paste the text, and go back and forth
the two windows without loosing the address bar highlited text.

> I've also seen similar bugs:
> A. (Must be a KMail user)
>    1. Start kmail or kontact.  (If using kontact, switch to the Mail 
> component.)
>    2. Choose "Settings" -> "Configure KMail..." from the Menu Bar.
>    3. Click on any identity.
>    4. Prepare your eyes, you must watch the next dialog quickly.
>    5. Click "Modify..."
> OMGWTF! It auto-selected and deleted my "Full Name".

Not a Kmail user, I pass.

> B. 1. Start konqueror.
>    2. Navigate to a page with at least one image.
>    3. Right-click an image.
>    4. Get ready to look fast again.
>    5. Choose "Save Image As..." from the pop-up menu.
> OMG.WTF.BBQ! It auto-selected the part of the filename before the extension 
> and deleted it!

Nope, I tried with my Flickr account and it behaves correctly here. Must
be something else causing the bug.

Good luck with that...


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