jedd said:

>  I simply can't believe that every other unstable user, now using KDE 4,
>  can be having the same types of experiences that I am and not talking
>  (complaining) about them here.

It is a terrible mess. I'm trying to use Kubuntu, so not quite the same 
thing. There's a lot of denial going on, imo.

I've raised so many bugs in the past few weeks I've now given up; nothing 
seems to be getting fixed, although a few security fixes have come 
through. Almost all are regressions; mostly of very basic functionality. 

Some of the bugs are trivial, once you examine them, but they are show-
stoppers. It's remarkable that the things were released. The fixes I've 
spent time on haven't been responded to.


"Big change requires small steps"

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