Valerio Passini <valerio.passini <at>> writes:

> There is nothing to worry about. KDE3 in unstable is gone and now there will
be only KDE4.
> Read here:
> if you want to move to KDE4 otherwise you must pin KDE3 packages in apt
preference (or use another method for synaptic) in order to keep it.KDE4 is
still developing and it's missing some feature you may need: Bluetooth it's
completely missing, NetworkManager and K3b are missing too, but you can use the
KDE3 version without problems, 

Valerio, did you mean one can concurrently use KDE4 with KDE3 versions of
kdebluetooth, knetworkmanager, k3b and presumably any other that fits the bill?

I'd like to be clear on that because I'm on unstable and was planning to upgrade
to KDE4 finally these coming days and some of these are really important for my
user case. Admittedly, bluetooth has been giving me troubles these days but I
didn't connect it with KDE4 since I've been trying not to upgrade or install
anything that could be related with KDE4. Maybe I missed something...

Best wishes,
Dom Delimar

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