There are several extensions for Konqueror whose existence I can verify 
in Configure Extensions, which don't seen to have any effect, though. 
Here's what I remember the missing ones to do in 3.5.10:

Bookmarklets: Add a sub-menu of JavaScript bookmarks to Tools > 

Crashes Monitor: Add a sub-menu containing crashes and the involved 
pages at Tools > Crashes.

KHTML Settings: Add a sub-menu Tools > HTML Settings for 
enabling/disabling JavaScript, Cookies etc.

Feed Icon: When a visited page contains (an auto-detectable) feed, 
display a feed icon in the status bar with a popup menu for adding them 
to Akregator. For links to feeds, add a "Add to Akregator..." action to 
the context menu.

Am I the only one missing these?


Michael Schuerig

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