Hi Kevin,

 On that URL previously posted, there was a comment regarding the
 problem (as yet unresolved) of handling mail systems that used a
 combination of mbox and maildir. I gather maildir is the preferred way
 these days - and on my desktop computer I used to use this all the
 time as the default.  mbox, though, has advantages when dealing with
 mailing list folders containing thousands of messages - mostly when it
 comes to copying those (think rsync).  The delay is not the size of
 the content - it's a relatively trivial - it's the pain of rsync
 having to index several thousand files and then compare them each
 individually.  Hence .. my hybrid arrangements.  And I doubt I'm the
 only person left running mbox & maildir concurrently.

 Anyhoo ...

> I think it is 100MB (configurable) per database daemon.
> Transaction logs of the InnoDB backend of mysql or something like
> that.

 Yes .. I get that.  I run a local mysql database server already,and
 I think this stuff they're talking about is the shared ibdata1 file
 yeah?  If so, then it shouldn't be an extra 100+MB hit for very
 additional user.  If it's 100MB of 'wrapper' stuff *within* the DB,
 for every *user*, then we're up for a major hit.   I strongly suspect
 it's the former, however.

 With the start-server=false stuff ...

 I was getting lots of annoying errors on kontact startup, and this was
 after I had resorted to completely erasing my .kde & .kde4 sub-dirs
 and starting again - so I should have had a pristine set of KDE
 defaults - as defined by the KDE & Debian dev/maintainers.

 I fought with Akonadi for a little while -- too many other bugs from
 KDE 4 were being fought for the first few days -- and then set
 up a DB manually in mysql, and re-configured the akonadi config
 to suit.  It seems to work, but I notice in the Akonadi console
 that two of my apps aren't using Akonadi yet .. though the
 distinction, for me, of what that actually means is still a little
 fuzzy.  By which I mean, because Akonadi is a pipe, rather
 than a store, I'm not sure if I need to change contacts/addressbook
 and notes (etc) or if that'll just happen over time with new releases.

 I'm unsure whether to just mention what I did here (in case it's
 of use to other travellers) or to point at my web site where I'm
 annotating various 4.2.2 woes (and fixes).

 Akonadi's config is not located under .kde - which is an interesting
 call .. but I can see the reasoning.

 For future reference - if you modify this file:

 And my system is set thus:

 I used that database name because I'll have multiple users attaching
 to the same database server.  I used that user name for obvious
 reasons.  I removed Options because it seemed to be confusing the
 restart of the service.  I have StartServer set to false because I'm
 using a real mysqld, not wanting Akonadi to start its own.  I set
 host to point to my mysql host, of course.

 I had to log out and back in again to trigger this - as akonadictl
 wasn't doing what I thought it should.


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