I'm not criticising Sidux.  I know it's a great team and a wonderful
distribution.  If there is anyway to keep the legacy KDE functionality I
would appreciate it.  As I can't myself liking KDE 4.x any more than I like
Gnome. I hope you will be doing an xfce release as well for 2009.02.  My
immediate solution was a complete reinstall of 2009.01 in order to continue
using KDE 3.x  What I miss most in  KDE 4 is a good taskbar, and konqueror
just as it was in 3.x

On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 9:37 PM, Ferdi Thommes <de...@sidux.com> wrote:

> Am Sunday 12 April 2009 02:32:10 schrieb George Bodley:
> > KDE 4.2 is a huge mistake.  I installed it on Sidux and need to look for
> a
> > different distro or Desktop.  It really is bad.  You need or Debian or
> > Sidux needs to give us back our old KDE 3.5
> Your statement is very general.
> We at sidux will release KDE4 properly integrated with sidux-2009-02 but if
> your complaints are pointed at KDE4 in general, you might want to look at
> different desktops. Many people have installed KDE4 to sidux in the past
> few
> days and it is mostly very fine except for a few glitches.
> Thanks to debian-kde team for the hard work and an overall good release.
> greetz
> devil
> --
> Ferdi Thommes
> 2.Vorsitzender
> sidux e.V.
> _________________
> we are sidux - resistance is futile - you will be assimilated

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