Christoph Burgmer wrote:
> Am Monday, 2. February 2009 schrieb Xavier Brochard:
>> I would try first to create a new user account to see what happen. If
>> everything works well, the problem is in you user account setup.
> I created a new user where the same problem exists. Then removed ~/.kde
> and ~/.kde4, 

on a new user account you shouldn't have a .kde directory
(or I misunderstood what you said) 

> purged and reinstalled kde-l10n-de and again (after some
> akonadi errors and knotify crashes) the same problem prevails. By default
> no language is set in the settings module under "personal ->
> country/region & language" (translated from German).

same here, default language setting from kde (generic english) but it works 
in french without problem

> I'll attach the locales from this users settings.

it looks like a kde problem, but just in case (sorry if it's stupid):
What is the default locale on the system ?
(check the uncommented ones in /etc/locale.gen)
And did you try to install another desktop ?


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