I do not kow if this is correlated but I also do have strange behaviour in kde 
4.devel. (kde 4.0.70 -- svn version)

At boot time kdm is not comming up; if I log in as root on the console and 
restart kdm all is fine.

The first time i log in kde 4.devel kwin is not present. I only do have one 
virtual desktop, no 'run command' etc.
If I log of and then log in again kwin commes up nicely (I also do not have 
a 'run command', but I think this has come with the last kdelibs update. To 
be more specific no shortcuts are working. :) ).

Since this is not the time to complain or even fill a bug report I only want 
to know if s.o. else has the same experience.


On Wednesday 23 April 2008 11:11:11 Xavier Brochard wrote:
> Hello list
> I've installed kde4 experimental packages (svn).
> A lot of applications (konsole, dolphin, systemsettings, KsCD  and all
> games except kspaceduel, kollision, kblackbox, ksame) crashes on startup.
> All were working when I was using 4.02.
> I tried to reinstall kde-base packages, but it change nothing.
> I've installed kde dbg packages, all backtrace seem to be different (but
> I'm not a c++ developer).
> My computer is AMD64, Debian sid.
> I wonder if it is a kde, debian or a setup problem on my computer... Any
> idea ?
> Regards
> xavier

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