Hi Dustin,

I had the same findings - on top of that dealing with umlauts (öäüÖÄÜß).

My best working software under Linux is Krusader. I found Unison GTK too 
thorough (== AND slow) for my needs.

The best software for me is still Directory Compare 
which I use from a KVM/quemu-started Windows on SMB-mounted Linux-shares.
It only cares for size (which is mostly what I need) ignores cases which IS a 
nightmare cooperating Windows/Linux although somewhat handled (!!) by Samba. 
It copes with Umlauts.
I use this software for many years now - until 2002 on Windows only. Mainly 
syncing "docs to read" and music-files from/to my computers.



Am Montag, 23. April 2007 schrieb Dustin Harriman:
> Hello Theo and everyone,
> I'm curious is anything has been turned up that Theo was asking about
> (he was wondering if there is a KDE-equivalent of "unison-gtk")?  
> ... 
> Now, when I'm sitting at my Linux box and want to synchronize in the
> other direction, things get ugly.  The best technique I can come up
> with for now is to "smbmount" the windows directory, then use
> unison-gtk, syncronizing the Linux folder with the Windows folder,
> which is now mounted somewhere.  eg:

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