On Saturday 25 November 2006 21:33, Oliver Meißner-Knippschild wrote:
> Martin Steigerwald wrote on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 20:45:41 +0100:
> >Am Samstag 25 November 2006 18:32 schrieb Oliver Meißner-Knippschild:
> >> which is the best way / place to define $KDEHOME for all users?
> >> Using Debian Etch RC1.
> >
> >I think its not necessary to define it at all. Its undefined here with
> >Debian Etch / Sid / Experimental with KDE 3.5.5.
> >
> >AFAIR $KDEHOME has been phased out of KDE in KDE 4 development
> >recently.
> >
> >The command kde-config can be used to output paths of the KDE
> >installation and configuration files. I guess KDE applications use
> >kde-config or at least the same API that kde-config uses to determine
> >those paths.
> Hmmm... does that mean that there's no possibility to change the
> default kde-home path "~/.kde/" to anything else without recompiling
> KDE?

I think Martin is mistaking it for KDEDIR, which is phased out because there 

The best way to set KDEHOME is to extend the environment of startkde by 
putting a file with the respective export statement into the env/ directory

On Debian KDE is installed in /usr, so startkde will look in /usr/env for 
files to source (include into itself)
The only requirement for the filename is that its extension has to be ".sh", 
but since it is sourced it doesn't need to be executable.


Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring

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