On Fri, 2006-06-09 at 06:15 -0300, Felipe Figueiredo wrote: 
> [General]
> font=Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,9,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0

I tried the above suggestion. It had no effect. Something reverts my
changes to this file probably kcontrol, as you suggest.

> Also, you may want to upgrade your etch, since fonts tend to be messed up 
> with 
> Xorg upgrades.

I don't think it is worth the risk. Maybe when I have more time. Things
are working quite well at the moment. Mind you the next time I install
my system I will use the stable system. Testing is too unstable for me.
Whenever I do an apt-get upgrade I always have to reconfigure usb,
sound, printing or some such.

I have reported this problem in bugzilla. I suspect the person that was
testing this functionality had a high resolution and consequently did
not pick up the change.
Glenn Meehan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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