Hi all

First of all, I hope I'm talking the right mailing-list, and if not, I'm sorry 
to disturb.

I'm using debian sarge, with this :
Qt: 3.3.4
KDE: 3.3.2
KMail: 1.7.2

For a few days now, I have a problem with Kmail, which is reproductible : 
- I open a mail (double-click on it, so it's in its own window)
- right-click --> save as... : I give it a name, etc...
- I click on the main Kmail window : Kmail just crashes.

I have attached the report : it this a known bug ? how could I solve that ?
Don't forget that I would prefer to stay in stable KDE.

And please, email-me the answer, as I'm not subscribed to the list.

Thanks in advance.

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