Am Wednesday 28 September 2005 18:59 verlautbarte Reinhold Kainhofer :
> He? MBox is just the text of all messages concatenated together. Are
> you sure that other MUAs store the message status in there? Unless
> I'm mistaken, the mbox format doesn't support this.

Common, there are all sorts of X-Headers in emails.. The format is quite 
old and the 
> BTW, about which version of mbox are you talking exactly? There are
> several different mbox formats out there:
>tml Each of them is a bit different so you will run into problems when
> you access them with different MUAs that support a different mbox
> format.

I just learned recently, that mbox is not a very well defined format. 
That's why in my email, if you read it carefully, I said I will switch 
to maildir for all my folders. 

Nevertheless, the thread in KDE's bugzilla was rather revealing:

In fact there is not much to do to actually fix it. I should start a 
fund collection to fix the issue.
> > > Valid info
> > > should be written back to the maildir
> Are you now talking about maildir or mbox?

That means I talked about maildir. And no, it is not ok to force people 
to only touch email with KMail by storing stuff in the index when those 
indexes get corrupted by touching stuff with other agents. 

> Anyway, neither maildir nor mbox store the status flags directly in
> the message. mbox uses the index file, maildir uses the file name
> (for those flags supported by Maildir). And some info, like the
> "To-Do" flag in kmail, cannot be saved into it at all. They can only
> be stored in the local index file.

I don't think this is correct as they can be stored in X-Headers. 
Whatever format (index or X-Header) one would chose, it would have to 
respect the common practice that one touches email-archives with more 
than one user-agent. 
> > > and KMail should not complain
> > > when opening a maildir touched by another agent.
> >
> > You could open a bugzilla change request and get us all to vote for
> > it !
> Even better: Provide a patch...

IAAL, so patch is bad. If I could I would have provided it a year ago. 
It all started by corrupting files... (see kde bugzilla above) If I 
would provide a patch, not only the files would get corrupted ;)

I think I will create a bugzilla change request and see what happens. 
When I complained last time, the only argument was missing support and 
developing time (a very relevant argument in open source) But I haven't 
managed to find someone sufficiently literate in KMail sources to 
support my request without funding involved. I will have to further 
look out. 



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