On Tuesday 27 September 2005 15:27, Derek Broughton wrote:
> Randy Kramer wrote:
> > I suppose maildir will be OK (and maybe even better) for my inbox,
> > which I generally keep "trimmed" (not too many emails).
> >
> > I don't think I want to do that for my mail folders which often
> > have a lot (thousands) of archived emails (usually short).
> >
> > Is it the general consensus that mbox is more subject to corruption
> > than maildir?
> By definition.
> Why do you think Maildir would perform worse for folders with
> thousands of emails?  Everything I've read suggests it will perform
> better - and more reliably.

Because you need a file system which handles small files efficiently 
(i.e. ReiseFS) otherwise you waste much space on your hard drive.


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