On September 8, 2005 05:21, Jean de Largentaye wrote:
> Because KDM sources the ~/*profile login scripts in
> /etc/kde3/kdm/Xsessions and because of previously (and as yet) undetected
> problems in these scripts, KDM resets after login, considering the
> session has ended. These scripts worked fine previously (and still do,
> in, say, GDM). Obviously this is a user error, but it is uncovered by the
> new sourcing behaviour. Because there was no problem in KDM itself, and
> the session exited 'normally', the problem was very difficult to track
> down.

GDM's Xsession script doesn't source ~/.bash_profile, ~/.profile, or 
even /etc/profile. It used to, once upon a time, but this was disabled, 
because users complained of exactly the behaviour you are now encountering. 
See bug #155335. KDM has long supported the sourcing of $HOME login 
scripts, but this functionality was disabled by the maintainer at the time. 
This lack was the origin of a number of bug reports. I decided to stop 
disabling this functionality in the 3.4.0 packages that were placed on 
alioth earlier this year, and subsequent 3.4.x updates, and everything 
seemed to be fine, i.e. there were no complaints that I can recall, other 
than a problem with zsh that I fixed. Thus I didn't give much more thought 
to the matter, and the change was mentioned only in the changelog.

> It would be useful to warn the user of this 'new' behaviour, maybe in
> /usr/share/doc/NEWS.Debian.

This seems quite reasonable. For the record, are you requesting that the new 
behaviour be reverted, or simply that users be given better notice to allow 
them to adapt with less hassle and frustration?

I'm CCing debian-kde, because people there have encountered this problem as 
well, and may wish to comment.

Christopher Martin

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