El Lunes, 27 de Junio de 2005 15:53, Geoff Bagley escribió:
> I have been using KGhostView for some time now,  testing and printing
> out home-spun
> postscript mapping programmes,  and also down-loaded .pdf files.
> Recently however, either after an apt-get upgrade or perhaps one of my
> very infrequent re-boots,
> an annoying fault has appeared.
> The first phase of KGhostView (and similar progs)  is to display the
> postscript image.
> This is ruined by a dominant back-ground pattern of little black triangles.

        Could you please indicate which version of KGhostview do you use?

        Maybe an upgrade to KDE 3.4.1 will fix your problems, because of 
being fixed or the mere existance of KPDF, a superior viewer for PDFs.

        Best regards,

I don't like this ending.
                -- The Duke (Moulin Rouge!).
Debian developer

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