count yourself lucky, k3b crashes for me when all i try and do is start it. :(.
(i'm running experimental cvs kde debs in case anyone is interested, though i downgraded and that didn't help. are there 3.4.0 k3b debs? i can't find them.) c On Monday 28 March 2005 11:42, Andrew Schulman wrote: > I love KDE, and 3.4 is the best and nicest looking > version yet. But I'm sick of my applications crashing > all the time. > > kicker and kopete both crash every time I log out. > > k3b crashes every time I drag several files into a > project list. > > juk crashes every time I select a certain > playlist. I made the playlist, and later changed some of > the file names. Now to get rid of it I'll have to either > undo the file name changes, or else hack my juk config > files. > > knode crashes randomly, about once a day. > > And, my login still hangs about 75% of the time as it > restores the session. I have to log in on a different VT > and pkill klauncher, after which login continues. > > Is this just > me? Or are other people suffering from this too? It alm >ost makes me want to go back to 3.3. > > Thanks, > Andrew.