On Thu, Sep 16, 2004 at 07:28:53PM +0200, Adeodato Simó wrote:
> * Ross Boylan [Thu, 16 Sep 2004 10:15:39 -0700]:
> > I noticed some security advisories in August concerning KDE and Qt:
> > DSA 539-1
> > DSA 542-1
> > Are these bugs present in the current testing 3.2?  Are there any
> > plans to fix them?
>   DSA 542 (#267092), which is a QT vulnerability, is fixed in
>   qt-x11-free 3:3.3.3-4, which will enter testing as soon as it gets
>   built on arm (there is a hard-to-solve FTBFS, see #270202).

That's interesting.  So sarge will ship with qt 3.3 and kde 3.2?

>   wrt DSA 539, there have been uploads of kdebase and kdelibs to
>   testing-proposed-updates by Ben Burton (IIRC):
>     kdelibs_4:3.2.3-3.sarge.2
>     kdebase_4:3.2.3-1.sarge.2
Great.  I assume these will make it into the testing update stream
eventually.  Or should I try to grab them from somewhere directly?

>   sarge will ship with these, which address all the security issues.
>   cheers,
Thanks for the good news.

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