Thanks for all the replies!

Nicolas MASSE wrote:
I have the same problem, but I don't use VNC. I use KDE directly. I don't know why the icons are not good looking... If someone has a tip...

Ah, the narrows the problem down a bit. Perhaps there's something in our XF86Config-4 we should look at? I don't have physical access to my server at the moment so I can't try it on the server directly.

Hendrik Sattler wrote:
Maybe you can point to a screenshot to show the problem? At what ressolution with what color depth are you running X?

With current KDE (3.2.3) in Sarge, some icons invert colors when selected and then look a bit ugly because I only have 16bit colors with my Voodoo3.

I put a screen grab up on my homepage:

I scaled the image to exactly twice the size to make the problem more apparent.

Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
> I have a question for both of you: On the xp side, what software do
> you have to catch the forwarded X signals? I frequently connect to my
> sid machine from work using putty, but never have gone beyond the
> console. Thank you.

The vnc client on the xp machine does not understand x, it recieves the screen updates as image data compressed with various user defineable image compression techniques. So for a debian system, apt-get either:
tightvncserver or vncserver. Edit your /etc/vnc.conf (to select screen resolution, screendepth etc.) and then start your server with "vncserver :1". Now you can connect to the server with a windows vnc client.

But I believe it's possible to set up something more sophisticated using the x-server from cygwin, but I have never tried that.



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