On Mon, 9 Aug 2004 10:47:52 -0400, Michael Sherman wrote:

>I have just installed Sarge.
>Two questions. 
>1) My screensaver doesn't work under KDE. I tried some of them, none starts
>after a specified interval.

None at all ?
Not even the basic ones, such as Banner, Bouboule, Lines or Swarm ?
What about preview mode in the Kcontrol screensavers applet - does
that work ?

Many people have had a variety of problems with the KDE screensavers
in Debian, but nobody had *nothing-happening-at-all* IIRC.

Tell us which KDE screensaver-related packages you have installed.
I have these packages installed, and my screensavers work :
ii  kscreensaver          3.1.4-0woody1   screen savers released 
                                          with KDE
ii  xscreensaver          3.34-3          Automatic screensaver for X
ii  xscreensaver-gl       3.34-3          GL(Mesa) screenhacks for
ii  xscreensaver-nognome  3.34-3          Gtk only binaries for

You may find a message I posted here in March useful - it details some
of the problems some of us have found with the screensaver packages :

>2) I have to adjust my volume settings every time I log in onto the KDE.
>Why would that be?

Have you tried using the "File | Save Current Volumes" in Kmix ?

Nick Boyce
Bristol, UK
The irony is that Bill Gates claims to be making a stable operating
system and Linus Torvalds claims to be trying to take over the world.
                -- seen on the net

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