On Friday 11 June 2004 02:06 pm, Christopher Martin wrote:
> Hello,
> Did anyone else running Sid find that today's QT update broke support for
> KDE Styles? I seem to be stuck with CDE, Platinum, and a few other basic
> choices. Plastik, Keramik and the other KDE Styles are no longer
> available.
> Let me know either way.

Yep, broke Plastik for me too.  I'm also disappointed that the new Qt packages 
didn't include the fix for bug 230576 
(http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=230576) - that makes MacOS 
menubars in KDE clickable from the screen edge.  That one's an easy fix - the 
patch is attached to the report.


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