Patrick Dreker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Am Dienstag, 30. März 2004 13:00 schrieb Jan Ulrich Hasecke: >> But I measured with top. And there was no load at all some days ago. I >> use top quite often. > Please check, that X is not running reniced to -10, which is unneccessary > using kernel 2.6.x.
Thanks for that hint. But it does not solve my problem. I discovered that there is a kdeinit process with 6.7 % load. When I kill it, kicker is terminated and the load of XFree86 vanishes. When I start kicker on the command line I get this warning and the load of XFree86 becomes again 15 or more %. kdecore (KIconLoader): WARNING: Icon directory /usr/share/icons/kids/ group not valid. I like the kids-theme ;-) So I removed all applets on the main panel and finally removed KNewsticker from the second panel which is faded out by default. This solved the problem. Why does KNewsticker needs cpu power when it is faded out? Does the ticker still work in the background? If yes, my problem is solved. juh