
Currently when I startx it loads xfree to cross background and just sits there. Took me awhile to press the middle button and see I was running sawfish. From the windows manager menu I have options to run Sawfish ot Twm

To get there I did this.
I have been running KDE 3.1.5 in testing for a while, wanted to try Kopete so went to unstable. Basically did apt install of, kopete and konqueur. Couldn't lock screen so saw I had to do kdm. Still no luck and saw kbase needed doing as well. At around this time the above problem started to happen

Browsing around google and this mailing list I have tried; first up full dist-upgrade to unstable, adding new user (for .kde issues ?), purging all sorts of kde packages and reinstalling - including x-windows-system-core.

If I change the default display manager to gdm, xdm - same problem.

Currently I log in as root, run init.d/kdm. Get a nice kde login screen on blue background. Log in and again it just sits there. Sawfish menu is still there so I can open Konsole, run kdesktop, kicker manually and I it all works that way.

It would appear that an early startup script is a bit disgruntle. I have tried following the init scripts in /etc/X11 and I really don't know what I'm doing.

Any recommendations on things to check, or maybe packages I can redo to replace certain files.

Not  KDE issue really I know, but was unsure where to ask this.


Dave D

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