On Sunday 21 March 2004 09:32 pm, jedd wrote: >On Mon March 22 2004 01:15 pm, Jeff Elkins wrote: > ] I've done both. I dist-upgraded a Mepis system to 3.2 and it was hosed. I > ] wiped the box, installed Woody/KDE, dist-upgraded to Sid and it's working > w/o ] any major problems. > > I still don't get why people think a pretty installer warrants such > on-going pain. It's the old half-hour install .v. lifetime of maintenance > argument all over again, I know. Nonetheless, I don't get it.
In my case it was time pressure. I had a Xmas laptop for a granddaughter, Windows 98 onboard, and only hours to get it ready and packed. Mepis saved my butt and prevented child abuse -- exposing a young kid to Windows :) Jeff