Peter Clark writes: > Following the advice Joan Tur gave > (, > I purged knotes, removed the configuration files, and reinstalled > it. Unfortunately, the two bugs remain: knotes adds at least two > notes every time it quits, and the background color is not > preserved. The two notes are either "[Actions]" or "[Display]", or > one of each, and are small and black. When I change the background > color for an individual note, or when I change the default > background color for all new notes, after restarting the program all > notes, old and new, are yellow again. > I checked and it looks like these bugs have been > reported > several times and closed, but I'm running the latest KDE packages > from Sid and I can definitely say these bugs exist. Should I even > bother reporting this upstream, since it looks like upstream hasn't > ever really fixed the problem? Does anyone have any other > suggestions for getting knotes to work properly? Again, `apt-get > remove --purge knotes`, `rm ~/.kde/share/apps/knotes`, 'apt-get > install knotes` does not fix these bugs for me.
It was fixed in KDE CVS HEAD. I have personally backported it to KDE_3_2_BRANCH, and the fix will be in the next minor release of the KDE Debian packages, i.e. 3.2.2. See also cheers domi