> KDE 3.2 depends on xlibs 4.3.x, which conflicts with xlib6, which is
> required for WP8 for Linux to run.  Therefore, WP8 is toast.

Following a suggestion from Hendrik Sattler, I unpacked the xlib6 
package into its own directory:

$ dpkg -x /var/cache/apt/archives/xlib6_3.3.6-44_i386.deb /opt/xlib6

and tried to start WP using those versions of the X libraries:

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/xlib6/usr/i486-linuxlibc1/lib /opt/wp8/wpbin/xwp

When I do this WP starts, and I see the initial splash screen.  Then it 
segfaults.  By comprarison,

$ /opt/wp8/wpbin/xwp
/opt/wp8/wpbin/xwp: can't load library 'libXt.so.6'

So it seems that using the old libraries almost works, except that it 
doesn't.  My guess is that the old xlib6 libraries are just incompatible 
with xlibs 4.3, in which case there's really no way to run WP8 in KDE 

So my options for reading and writing WP documents in Linux are 
dwindling.  I can run WP2K for Linux, or set up a virtual Windows 
machine just to run WP.  I'll also look into AbiWord, although I need to 
be able to write WP documents, not just read them.

Any other solutions, please let me know.

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