El Martes, 20 de Enero de 2004 15:47, Michael Schuerig escribió:
> Yes, get rid of famd (package fam). You don't need it, it causes more
> trouble than it's worth. With the latest (3.1.5) packages it apparently
> it has no advantage whatsoever as they're configured to use dnotify.

I'm currently using kde from cvs, but since its removal doesn't break any 
dependencies, gonna get rid of it....

thx for the great advice... great because it's the fastest and more satisfying 
way of solving a problem... throwin it to /dev/null

Rafael Rodríguez

"Linux is user-friendly. It's just more selective on who its friends are"

Escrito en Debian GNU/Linux por el Usuario Registrado nº 327106

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