On Thursday 28 October 2004 10:04 am, John Goerzen wrote: > Recently, I was interested in why certain websites looked very nice > (antialiased, readable fonts, etc) on some KDE boxes and rather poor (no > antialiasing, barely readable fonts) on others. I tracked down the > difference to msttcorefonts. On machines with that package installed, > those sites in question (CNN.com is a prominent example) looked great. > On machines without it, they didn't. In general, most of the sites that > exhibited this problem had code like: > > <FONT face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"> > > Now, aside from the presence (or not) of msttcorefonts, both machines > were configured identically. Both had antialiasing turned on in KDE and > fontconfig. Both were set to use the Bitstream Vera fonts in both KDE > and Konqueror. > > My question is this: is there some way to tell the system to substitute > Vera for Arial on machines that don't have Arial? I'm happy with either > a Konqeuror setting or a global setting. > > I poked around a little in /etc/fonts, and as far as I could tell, it > should already be doing this, but I don't really know what's going on > with those files. > > Any suggestions?
I don't really know if this will work, but looking in /etc/fonts/fonts.conf, I see "Alias well known font names to available TrueType fonts". This seems to be allowing Times to be replaced by Times New Roman, Helvetica and Arial by Verdana, and Courier by Courier New. I think these are all fonts from msttcorefonts. So, maybe you could add similar lines in local.conf but with the Bitstream Vera fonts as replacements? Again, I have no idea if this will work, Josh