Hi i have kde 3.1.4 and a logitech keyboard cordless desktop the one with the optical mouse (4 btn) + wheel on the left of the keyboard. I chose in configuration panel the option "logitech Cordless desktop pro" aplly the nex settings, logout and relog but nothing appen...
Could someone help me to use the multimedia keys of this keyboard?? For info i tried to modify the XKeysymDB and the XF86keysym.f files in order to define the special keys, have created a .xmodmaprc file in my home directory, put a little script to start xmodmap in /.kde/Autostart/ , modified the shortcut in /.kde/share/applnk/ and added some config files in /.kde/share/config/... without choosing one of the "logitech" keyboard map in the control center, using just a standard pc104.( here's the web site i have took this info: http://shift.free.fr/?ordi_clavier_logitech) all that stuff works but i'm not satisfied about the long time it takes to have a result after a key pressed....it's to long specialy for the volume... I would like something kicker (like the applet in gnome) ...maybe it's possible with the kde control center predefined keyboard map for logitech... All help would be very appreciated...this keyboard turns me crazy :-( Thx in advance Hervé