On Tue, 11 Nov 2003, Ross Boylan wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 10, 2003 at 11:57:27PM +0100, A.R. (Tom) Peters wrote:
> > Does anyone know where in Debian default fonts for X are set?

> Fairly recently, as I recall, both XF86Config-4 and the files in
> /etc/fonts have been fiddled with by upgrades for me.  If it's an old
> app it probably doesn't use fontconfig (/etc/fonts/) (though it might
> use its predecessor, configured in /etc/X11/XftConfig).  But I suggest
> checking the font paths carefully in all those spots.
> I've recently been investigating courier for a probably unrelated
> problem (bug #191914), and I found Courier provided by Adobe and
> Speedo fonts.  So anything that knocked those out, or put other stuff
> ahead of them in the font list, might have caused the switch.

Thanx for the hints.
Apparently the /etc/init.d/xfs script on Debian does not specify the
config file.  Supposedly xfs then gets it from /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fs/config .
I had an older file in /etc/X11/xfs/config .  It does not seem to belong
to any Debian package.  Instead, there is /etc/X11/fs/config (without an
x), and the default location is linked there.  It looks reasonable, and I
do not think it was recently updated.

I discovered that if I restart xfs after starting KDE, then I get my
original fonts back.  Doing /etc/init.d/xfs reload is not enough.  I have
no idea why it works this way.  Apparently something has changed in how
KDE uses fonts in my latest upgrade.

I changed the KDE fonts to anti-aliased - now only Bitstream is a decent
choice.  Unfortunately I cannot choose anymore between a sans-serif
(Helvetica) and a serif (Roman) font - apparently it must be serif.  I had
to add --noxft to the konsole shortcut, otherwise I would get an overly
big terminal window with an anti-aliased font.

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        Tom "thriving on chaos" Peters
                NL-1062 KD nr 149       tel.    +31-204080204
                        Amsterdam       e-mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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