hi Marcelo,

On Fri, 19 Sep 2003 22:00:06 -0300
"Marcelo Macchi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi, I need some help to make a correct config for my NVidia GForce2 MX 200
> video Card.
> I have downloaded some modules from nvidia page, but I don't know how make
> them work and I need the DirectDraw and the OpenGL.

i suggest you install the nvidia-glx-src and nvidia-kernel-src packages and
compile the drivers yourself. you'll need a driver for the kernel (kernel
module) and one for the xserver, iirc. after installation read the readmes in
/usr/share/nvidia-kernel-src/ and /usr/share/nvidia-glx-src/ which will guide
you through the process of building and installing the drivers.

good luck, or whatever you'll need ;-)

f. soul

  ,           , 
 /             \        GNU's not Unix
 `-_---' `---_-'          Funky Soul
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      ): :(             swissonline.ch

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