Hey Yo Hoh!
I have difficulties installing kde3 on woody or sarge... well, who
hasnt ;)
Skipping through the archive and googling I found different ways to
it, tried sources from sid (with Default-Release set to testing) and
from kde.
Using sid I cant install (among others) kdebase, depending on
ksysguard, depending on ksysguardd, depending on
libsensors-1debian1, not beeing on the archives...
With the kde-sources I wasnt even able to install kdelibs4,
depending on... I dont remember - it wasnt installable.
But it should be achievable - on knoppix 3.2 I have kdebase3.1.1
(although here, as well, I dont find a complete kdemultimedia) -
just I cannot ask there right now - the site (www.knopper.net) is on
strike against patents.
Does anyone have a way or source for me to install a more than very
basic kde3 on woody or sarge? I meen in the very near future, like
today or so ;)
Any hints or comments more than wellcome
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