On Monday 15 September 2003 12:02, Magnus von Koeller wrote:
> Hi,
> I just installed KDE on my new Laptop. Now, whenever I start any KDE
> application (for example Konqueror, Konsole, KWrite, KCalc but even
> the Konqueror configuration dialog when started from the Konqueror
> menu) I have a very strange 12sec delay before they start up.
> What could this be? I mean, this laptop's supposed to be two or three
> times as fast as my old machine but it takes KDE applications much
> more time to start up so something must be wrong.
> Any suggestions?

Look whether your /etc/hosts has an entry for localhost and for the name of 
your laptop...


Linus Gasser
Chemin des Cèdres 1
1004 Lausanne
021 647 53 05

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