Le sam 06/09/2003 à 17:21, Bob Hauck a écrit :

> I'm not the OP, but I've also noticed that kdemultimedia won't install or
> upgrade.  There seems to be a bug report at bugs.debian.org (#208832) as
> well.  What happens is:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list
> deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ sid main non-free contrib
> deb http://non-us.debian.org/ sid/non-US main contrib non-free
> deb-src http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ sid main non-free contrib
> deb-src http://non-us.debian.org/ sid/non-US main contrib non-free
> deb http://marillat.free.fr/ unstable main

That's pretty much what I got, so the problem isn't from sources.list.

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo apt-get install kdemultimedia
> Reading Package Lists... Done
> Building Dependency Tree... Done
> [...]
> E: Broken packages

I got the same result, both on x86 and ppc archs. Well, that's one of
the metapackages I never install, so I couldn't know :)

Lucas Moulin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"The guilty don't feel guilty, they learn not to" - NOFX

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