See #198499 for a full description of the problem with kstars; it
basically boils down to kstars using non-DFSG-free data.

> Please also notice that Debian currently provides, in the non-free section
> due to this same license issues, some star-data catalogues (Gliese and
> Yale). It might be useful if you break the package into software and data
> and made the data package non-free for the time being.

KStars is a part of the much larger source package kdeedu.  It is highly
desirable for kdeedu to stay in main, and so since kstars depends on
non-DFSG data then what I will do is simply get rid of kstars altogether.

As for redoing kstars as a separate standalone non-free or contrib
package:  I don't have time to deal with complex non-DFSG-free licensing
issues right now and so I'm not going to do this myself.  If anyone else
is interested then you're welcome; you can find all the current kstars
debian files in KDE CVS (kdeedu/debian) in the branch KDE_3_1_BRANCH.


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