On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 10:50:23AM +0200, DI Peter Burgstaller wrote:
> as has been pointed out in
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-kde/2003/debian-kde-200305/msg00121.html
> there seems to be a problem with libvorbis0 and libvorbis0a. They 
> conflict and
> make it impossible for me to upgrade from kde-3.1.1 to kde-3.1.2.
> Since the above posting never got a reply I was wondering if anybody 
> else
> a) has the same problem and
> b) is working on a fix?

Are you using woody or sid? It sounds like you're using a mix, which
will cause you pain. :\ Things should be absolutely fine with just pure

:) d

Daniel Stone                                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Developer, Trinity College, University of Melbourne

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