So it seems we're giving up completely on the idea of some sane system
for having debian install the compatibility Qt headers by default just
like *every* other Qt installation?

I realise I brought this up several times some months ago, and it did
seem IIRC that it was generally agreed upon that it was a Good Thing to
have debian users get the same set of compatibility headers that
everyone else gets, and that the debian package management system was
*not* meant to be abused to punish users into hassling developers to
write non-legacy code.

I was quieted by the fact that Ralf explained the dependencies would be
patched in Qt 3.1.2, and that the appropriate patches were sitting in
CVS in qt-copy/debian.

It seems that not only were these patches never uploaded to sid in the
meantime, but now they've actually been removed from CVS altogether.

Dare I ask why?


> CVS commit by loschwitz: 
> Merge with Debian Packages 3.1.1-8
>   M +5 -4      control   1.57
> ...

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