On Sat, May 10, 2003 at 01:39:49AM -0700, Michael Rudmin wrote: > Hi, I have a problem which seems like it should have > come up before, but maybe it's new, because it's got a > little twist. > > I installed hotplug usb, and have a Argus DC1500 > [essentially a pencam: it requires USB data transfer, > and is not just a USB block device]. When I plug in > my camera, I see in /proc/bus/usb/001 two files, one > of which is the driver "001" and one of which is the > camera, with a different number like "005".
Wild guess: Check if hotplug loads camera q specific kernel module: /sbin/lsmod |head # plugin camera /sbin/lsmod |head I could not use the usb with DC2400 until I disabled autoloading of dc2xx for a Kodak DC240. > > Now, I also installed /etc/hotplug/usb/usbcam and all > that, so that it should adjust the permissions. > > I used the usbcam.group as my source for usbcam, and > adjusted it to be executable. Then from the command > line, I addgroup'd camera, and added my user name to > the group camera with #adduser myuser camera. > > Note that usbcam.group refers to the group "camera". > And now my executable usbcam does, as well. > > I also checked that the Argus' control variables, as > referenced in /proc/bus/usb/devices, is covered by the > graphics engine that runs all the permissions stuff. > > Finally, on KDE I set up (control > panels)::(peripherals)::(camera) to include my Argus > DC1500. > > When I type in camera:/ in the file manager URL, I get > my DC1500. But when I click on it, I get one of two > messages: "Cannot claim USB Bus", or sometimes "I/O > problem. Cannot read file" or sometimes "Could not > read file: bad parameters". > > Just to see if it was a permissions problem, I rather > foolishly logged into KDE as root [I know, not a good > idea, can wreck things], and tried to access the > camera from there. No good -- it says "Cannot claim > USB Bus". Maybe with time, it would give me the other > errors instead. Try the gphoto2 command line tool. This will test you if it's a libgphoto/kernel problem or if it KDEs camera io slave. If gphoto2 works and camera:/ not you may try digikam. Achim > > Does anyone know what is going on, and what I have to > do differently? I've tried to follow the installation > instructions everywhere, but I seem to be doing > something wrong.