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On Monday 28 Apr 2003 3:07 pm, Ralf Nolden wrote:
> Hi guys,
> while trying to figure out why the heck I sometimes have a problem with
> konsole on some machines and not on other machines I found out the
> following issue: xfonts-* packages have a call for
> update-fonts-dir update-fonts-alias
> in their postinst/postrm

Since QT uses fontconfig for locating fonts should not fc-cache be called?

> so those probably need to be added to the xfonts-konsole package too in
> their respective postinst/postrm. Further, xfonts-konsole packages:
> /usr/share/fonts/9x15.pcf.gz
> /usr/share/fonts/console8x16.pcf.gz
> /usr/share/fonts/console8x8.pcf.gz
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/console8x8.pcf.gz
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/console8x16.pcf.gz
> which means that 9x15.pcf.gz is missing in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/.
> Also the question is why they get installed in /usr/share/fonts instead of
> /usr/share/fonts/misc.

When I was trying to find out why konsole never used these fonts, I discovered 
that fontconfig matched a japanese font in preference to these anyway.  This 
was to do with them both having the "family name" of "fixed" (the other font 
is in xfonts-base which has to be installed with an xserver).  I suspect 
there is a random choice based upon which order directories are searched. 

I ended up adding some lines into the /etc/fonts/local.conf to specify that I 
wanted the console to be the default fixed font.  

[This is only related to the font that konsole picks in the "normal" case.  In 
fact there is a potential konsole bug here in that it should ask for 
"monospace" font rather than "fixed" so I am not proposing that you do 
anything with the /etc/fonts/* files.]

- -- 
Alan Chandler
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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