Hi,  I have Woody/kde2 with a ymfpci; and although my
AlSA isn't working correctly, I somehow have gotten
GOM working, and ksounds work.  That is, in gom I can
adjust the mixing, and get proper feedback [it uses
/dev/mixer, I think]

ALSA, if I understand correctly, isn't working because
one of the snd modules isn't being loaded, or
something like that.  Anyhow, modconf doesn't seem to
help -- I don't see the proper snd file listed there,
so that'll have to wait.  Anyhow, I can hear sound.

Unfortunately, none of my recording devices seems to
work.  If I use the inline $>sound-recorder mywav.wav,
it seems to work, but yields a blank file.  

If I run krecorder, it sits there on 0 MB, all the
time it is "recording", and never records a thing. 
But when I minimize the window, my sound card chimes.

Does anyone know what I need to do to set this thing
up correctly?

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