I wonder if this is what happens: I *know* in transit some of the CRs may get turned into CRLFs (Can't confirm when tho!) and therefore KMail assumes that this is certain to happen, and therefore signs the message with them in to ensure that things will match ok?
David On Thursday 10 April 2003 18:30, Mika Fischer wrote: > Hi, Ricardo! > > On Thursday 10 April 2003 11:12, Ricardo Javier Cardenes Medina wrote: > > > I just can't think of a reason why kmail would put them in there > > > (only in the signed part) then sign the message and then remov them > > > again befor sending the mail out :) > > > It just doesn't make any sense... > > > > Because that's the way the RFC says you have to... I've made a simple > > "signing bot" using Python/Pyme for some tasks inside my LUG, and I > > were utterly failing for a couple of hours until I re-read carefully > > the RFC and saw that reference to CRLF. > > I guess you mean: that kmail puts the CRs in for signing is good, but > that it removes them again before sending is not :) > > I can live with that. But as it is now, every signd mail with an > attachment will have its signature damaged even before it leaves > kmail... > > But anyway can you tell me which RFC you're referring to? In 1847 I > couldn't find anything like that... > > And, as a side note: mutt puts no CRs in... :) > > Cheers, > Mika